Monday, August 21, 2006

A Bang Up Job

Knoxville's Royal Bangs write to say they're calling it quits. Sort of:

royal bangs are on tour right now, and i'm actually writing this email from the van in durham, NC. the tour has been great so far. we've eaten a ton of hot dogs. i will likely post a full photographic account of the endeavor when we come back tomorrow.

as some of you guys already know, i'm moving to france for a year in september, so we'll be playing one more show in knoxville before i leave. it'll be August 25th at the Pilot Light, with our good friends and tour-buddies the twinkiebots band.

lastly, we've got a new album out, called "we breed champions." we'll have copies of the record for sale at the show, and probably only there. it's nine new songs, packaged in a case sewn by actual royal bangs! i will post an mp3 soon.
No word on if this is a haitus, indefinite or otherwise, or if the band will continue to make "rock and roll that beeps and shakes" from two continents.

Either way, some mp3s:

New Scissors
Fake That Chrysler
Lucas Newman Vacation Log
Exposition Universelle

Also stop by the Royal Bangs MySpace page for a few more free tracks.

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